5 – Προσφερόμενα μαθήματα και σύστημα βαθμολόγησης στο ΜΔΕΠ

Students can be informed by the MDEP’s website the Secretariat about the courses offered in each academic semester. The list of all courses and their detailed description (e.g. teaching hours, prerequisite knowledge, curriculum, learning objectives and relevant bibliography) is available on the MDEP’s website. Additional information, and a special website (e-class) for specific courses, have been developed by respective instructors/faculty. At the beginning of the modules, an introductory course is hosted, where the faculty informs students on the teaching method, course obligations, the examination methods and how grades are formed. At the end of each examination period, the instructors/faculty enter each students’ scores electronically in the student book system, a process that automatically informs respective students of the completion of each entry.
