Frequently Asked Questions

At the end of each academic year and prior to the beginning of the next one, the Assembly of the Faculty of Medicine and the Program’s Committee discuss the courses scheduled for delivery at the upcoming academic year, taking into account the current curriculum, both for the Greek language and for the English language Programs. The Curriculum may be periodically updated at the beginning of each academic year through the addition of new courses or the modification of the already existing ones. When this process is completed, the timetable of each semester is issued and published on the website of the Faculty of Medicine.

No. Everything can be done online, including test exams (if is needed) or an interview (if is needed).

Students can be informed by the MDEP's website the Secretariat about the courses offered in each academic semester. The list of all courses and their detailed description (e.g. teaching hours, prerequisite knowledge, curriculum, learning objectives and relevant bibliography) is available on the MDEP's website. Additional information, and a special website (e-class) for specific courses, have been developed by respective instructors/faculty. At the beginning of the modules, an introductory course is hosted, where the faculty informs students on the teaching method, course obligations, the examination methods and how grades are formed. At the end of each examination period, the instructors/faculty enter each students’ scores electronically in the student book system, a process that automatically informs respective students of the completion of each entry.

Sure. Send an e-mail to infomeden@uth.gr or applymeden@uth.gr, and we will arrange an appointment online or by phone.

A series of standardized transcripts and certificates can be issued by the MDEP Secretariat. Interested students can request any transcript or certificate via e-mail from their institutional account, or in person, at the MDEP Secretariat, and receive it either immediately or the next working day if special processing is required. All issued documents can also be sent to the students electronically.

With regard to the supporting structures and services provided to students, in consultation with the University of Thessaly, provision has been made to support the administrative care in every aspect of their student and social functioning. Also, for the past twenty years, the University of Thessaly has identified student support as a core priority, giving particular importance to those facing difficulties, by forming several diverse Committees and competent services. In particular, the Disabled Access Office was established with the aim of ensuring accessibility to all University campuses, buildings and establishments. In this manner, a variety of improvements have taken place, including the construction of new accessible sanitary facilities, the installation of ramps, elevators, stairs and a number of small accessibility interventions performed by the Technical Office of the University of Thessaly.

All support structures and services offered to students are delivered by administrative staff trained at a high level, who are also provided with opportunities to develop new skills through participation in training programs (such as e.g. the Erasmus+ programme).

Provision was also made for assuring the health insurance of students, through the cooperation with an insurance company (offers have already been submitted). In parallel, the civil liability coverage of the foreign students (in cases of operations suspension due to force majeure, natural phenomena, occupation of buildings, pandemic). Accordingly, there is agreement with the University of Thessaly for the organization and staffing of a Foreign Student Support Unit (FSU).

Finally, the psychological support of students has also been considered, in collaboration with the Psychiatric Clinic of the University Hospital of Larissa. The service has a similar structure to the one provided for the all students of the University of Thessaly.

In line with practices used at other foreign universities, one administrative staff is dedicated as International Student Officers, with the aim to provide assistance in other aspects of the transition to Greek life, including cultural issues, visas, or legal assistance. The administrator will have proven professional experience, including the ability to build relationships with the families of each of the international students and ensure that both students and their loved ones feel comfortable and content throughout the duration of their studies.

Getting a VISA depends on your country of origin. For more information, you must contact the competent authority in your country. You may also find more information on the website below.

Visas info

Citizens of European Union countries covered by the Schengen Agreement can enter Greece with an identity card or passport. However, please contact the authorities of your country for further information. Citizens of other countries should refer to their authorities for the necessary documentation. All students must apply for long-term residence permits for their studies upon arrival. Our International Studies and Foreign Affairs Office is available for that process.

Feel free to contact our International Studies Office and we will schedule an appointment (adminmeden@uth.gr)

Services to all students do not stop upon graduation. The University and the Faculty of Medicine continue to offer services to graduates, such as those offered by the Study and Career Liaison Office of the University (https://career.uth.gr). The Office (DASTA dasta.uth.gr) is operating according to the standards of akin career offices abroad. Its mission is to help students and graduates approach their desired professional future, discover their skills and claim a job in the modern, competitive environment, or develop and implement a business idea. The Liaison Office provides students and alumni with:

  • information regarding possible postgraduate studies, scholarships & endowments,
  • announcements & vacancies advertisements,
  • individual & group career mentoring and counselling,
  • professional development & entrepreneurship workshops & events.

You may find relevant information here
